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It hurt like hell

Everyone has been hurt in many different ways but getting past it is what matters. From my past heartbreaks I've learned so much. So here's my first heartbreak.


I met him the ending of my freshman year of high school. I thought he was the best I could ever find. You know how it goes, rainbows and butterflies in the begin but as months past we began to lose that fire we once had. He began abusing me, physically, verbally and mentally. Because I loved him so much I stuck around hoping for change.


He began lying and sneaking around. He dropped out my junior year of high school and had no plan on going back to school. He kept me on lock down and made sure I was his and only his. By our one year I knew I was unhappy. Miserable in fact. I cried every day, I suffered from anxiety. I was a complete wreck. I lost all my friends and turned my back on my family. But I did everything thing I could to make him happy.


By our two and a half year mark I was just over it. I couldn't be living an unhappy life. So I ended it.


I had the strength to walk away and stay away... He was the love of my life. It was so hard, I went into deep depression. It was one of the worst summers I couldn't forget. I cried every day, I locked myself in the house, I had lost all my self esteem and my weight. My family was really concerned. They would constantly try to make things happier for me but I could stand on my own two feet.


It took me awhile till I decided to date again. When I did I realized how much stronger I became and how much love and support I needed, till this day I'm thankful for those who helped me when I couldn't help myself.

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